Forever Mountain Blog


Merry Christmas! It’s that time of year again, dear reader. Christmass is coming!Christmas is more than an excuse for good food, gifts, and pretty lights. It is a time to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. It is also a time to celebrate the concepts of Peach on Earth, forgiving each other, and getting along

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Christmas in July? It’s not just a sales pitch

It’s difficult, but it’s true. As writers, we have to think a little differently.
Back in November, we had folks complaining about the Christmas sales starting before Thanksgiving. For normal folks and normal things, yeah, that might be a bit early.
As writers and publishers, if you’re getting your Christmas story to me in November, you’re late. I wanted it no later than September. Preferably, you’d have gotten it to me in July.

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Knowledge, Accomplishment, and Adventure rush in!

Great opportunities await! Well, dear reader, we’re actually doing it. The door is open. Really open! The electronic edition of Sally Port’s preview issue is live! Subscriptions  are available! For those unfamiliar, Sally Port Magazine is a family friendly (but not kids only!) fantasy fiction magazine with a focus on both providing stories for the whole

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