Opening the Sally Port! Family. Victory! Worlds Undreamt of.

Lesson, Resource, Story

Last October I went to a writers’ conference with a new idea. I was going to launch a clean fantasy fiction magazine. It wasn’t an easy road, but I wanted to do it. I needed to do it.
Last December, that magazine had a name. Sally Port, named for those little doors on the side of a castle, the ones that let your scouts and messengers in and out even when the main gate was closed.
Months passed. We got a website (check it out!)We got interns! And people sent in stories hoping we’d publish them.
Well, dear reader, as I write this, we’ve picked the content for our preview issue (and a couple of pieces for the following issues). We’re 90% of the way through editing those stories, and moving into the page design phase. Soon thing will be at the printer! Soon we’ll be sending out checks to pay our preview issue authors!
But what are we publishing?
And how can you participate?
Well, one question at a time…
In the preview issue we’ve got:
A boy becoming a hero!
A girl who teaches us why you might want to leave that fairy alone.
A dragon slayer, who gets quite an education
A how-to on building your perfect audience member
And, the first in a series on how to create your own language!
And yes, there’s a place for you…
If you’re a writer, we’ve got opportunities! We’re accepting clean fantasy fiction for middle-grade, young adult (YA), and general (adult) audiences. We’re also publishing how-to material about writing and publishing. (You can even advertise your book!)
If you’re a reader, we’ve got quality stories you can share with the whole family. The stories in the preview are only the start. In January, we’ll learn how they deal with Genies down in Texas. We’ll also learn what really happens when the cat gets out… Later in the year we’ve got some real Arabian Nights stuff going on. Worlds of wonder and imagination await!
Subscriptions for the electronic version are opening as fast as we can get them. New stories are coming in as fast as we can read them!
Check out the website, sign up for news (and maybe even a subscription), submit your stories (the worlds of fantasy as you choose to write them!), and be in on the beginning of something wonderful.
That’s it for this one, dear reader. Check out the sight. Comment on what you think family friendly fantasy is, and what it ought to be. And, I’ll see you next post.

Posted in Blog.

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