A conference for creative types?


It’s less than a month away, dear reader. And seats are filling up fast!
What am I talking about? The 2024 LDSPMA conference. It’s happening on October 17th -19th on the Utah Valley University (UVU) campus.
This is the 10th year of the conference and this year it’s better than ever! But, why go? What can real people get out of it?

So... What do people get out of attending a creators' conference?


Anyone can sling a book up on Amazon, post art online, or upload a song. But doing it successfully, making money and reaching an audience, takes more work and more knowledge. Even those of us who’ve done it need to stay up to date. (Seriously, do you think e-books were a thing when Steven King first published Carrie?)
At the conference we’ve got keynote speakers who’ve done the work: best-selling authors, successful movie producers, and brilliant musicians. (Check this year’s keynotes out for yourself). We’ve also got intensive workshops and hour long breakout sessions on the craft and business of writing, music, art, editing, social media, and marketing. There are even virtual sessions if you can’t make it in person!
Are you hung up in your progress? There are answers to get you unstuck. Are you looking for your next project? There are ideas. And, there are also people…


That’s right… There are people, writers, editors, publishers, filmmakers, artists, marketers, and social media folks at the conference. And they’d like to talk to you.
Even the most independent author needs somebody. Editing your own stuff has to happen, but it’s far from perfect. It helps to have another set of eyes.
You can write. But what do you know about getting the word out? Yep, we’ve got those folks too!
And if you’re an editor or marketer, there are folks at the conference who need you. (If they’re learning from the speakers, they’ll be actively looking for you too)
Networking is one of the biggest aspects of the conference. There are opportunities baked in at every level.

Getting your hands ‘dirty’

And it’s more than talking. There are live, hands on, activities including pitching books, getting feedback on your art, manuscripts, query letters and music.
There are also volunteer opportunities. LDSPMA volunteers get free or reduced cost conference attendance and other benefits. The biggest benefit? When you’re volunteering at the conference, you’re not just listening to the movers and shakers, you’re working with them. The experience is more and deeper than just sitting and listening.
Yes. I’ve volunteered at the conference (three years running). I’ve met the heads of four publishing companies, learned from professional marketers (the folks that normal people pay a lot to consult with). I’ve worked with college professors, and even found the editing intern who’s helping with the preview issue of Sally Port Magazine (which also comes out next month, by the way…)
That’s the great part. At the conference we’re not just talking. We’re making things happen. (Note: this is not a paid promotion, but I am on the conference committed.)
So, check out the conference. And then, join us. Either way, I’ll see you next post.


Posted in Blog.

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